Complete configuration options
This page lists all options that alter the standard behaviour of WebYep, via edits made to the config-inc.php inside the webyep-system folder.
Logon Options:
Sets the main Username and Password. Plesae Refer to multiple logins for adding additional login accounts and controlling the pages that can be edited.
$webyep_sAdminName = "admin";
$webyep_sAdminPassword = "";
Base URL:
Used by the 'Redactor' rich text editor, in the commercial version of WebYep. Sets the base URL of the website for image and file uploads.
define('BASE_URL', '');
Privileges Option:
If a page contains editable fields, but the user has insiffucient privileges, WebYep can display the edit buttons disable or hide them.
$webyep_bShowDisabledEditButtons = false;
Likewise, this option controls whether editors (other than the main editor) should be able to edit 'global' fields.
$webyep_bOtherLoginsMayEditGlobalData = false;
Charector Option
Support for special character sets. If you wish for WebYep to use for example 'utf-8' or 'iso-8859-2', change the following configuration variable in your configuration file:
$webyep_sCharset = "utf-8";
This will ensure WebYep displays the special characters using this
character set.
Note: Setting an explicit encoding will stop WebYep
from converting special characters to HTML entities. So only change
this option if necessary.
Language Type
Defines which syntax WebYep should use when creating HTML tags. You
can set this configuration variable to the HTML character set you are
using in your web pages.
Default: empty
HTML - HTML 4.01 Strict / HTML5
XHTML - XHTML 1.0 Strict / XHTML5
auto - WebYep tries to detect the used syntax via the !DOCTYPE
directive of the document.
$webyep_sHTMLStandard = "auto";
Menu Options:
Determines how the menu works. Possible values are: list (no Javascript functionality) and listJS (use Javascript to show/hide menu trees).
$webyep_sMenuType = "listJS";
Default: listJS (use Javascript to show/hide menu trees)
list (no Javascript functionality)
$webyep_bAutoCloseMenus = true;
When expanding a menu tree, all other trees collapse automatically
(true) or remain as they were (false).
This option will be
ignored if $webyep_sMenuType is set to "list".
Default: false
$webyep_bRememberOpenMenus = true;
Expanded menu trees will be saved in a cookie (true). Setting this to
false will result in all trees but the one the page belongs to being
This option will be ignored if $webyep_sMenuType is set to "list".
Default: true
Open full URLs via links
Set to true of you wish the Long Text, Image and Gallery (text) elements to open full URLs (including the https:// part) in a new browser tab or window.
$webyep_bOpenFullURLsInNewWindow = false;
Default: false
White Label
You can change the product name, company name and company link here. This content will appear in the editor windows, the help and the notice windows.
$webyep_sProductName = 'MyProduct';
$webyep_sCompanyName = 'WebYep by Objective Development';
$webyep_sCompanyLink = '';
WebYep Interface Language
The editing interface can be presented to users in a choice of languages. The default is 'english'.
$webyep_sLang = "english";
Replace 'english' for one of the alternative languages, if you prefer:
- deutsch
- french
- srpski
- swedish
- dutch
- portuguese
- polski
Redactor Language
If you are using the Redactor rich text editor (in the commercial version of WebYep), you can change the language of the editing interface. The default is 'en' (English).
$webyep_rLang = 'en';
Replace 'en' for one of the alternative languages, if you prefer:
- ar
- de
- en
- es
- pa
- fi
- fr
- he
- hu
- it
- ja
- ko
- nl
- no
- pl
- pt_br
- ru
- sv
- tr
- zh_cn
- zh_tw
Toggles the display of debug information, in the web pages.
$webyep_bDebug = false;
Javascript Library Framework Type
Available Javascript library choices which you may wish to use with the WebYep items.
$webyep_JsLibariesType = "jquery";
If you're using Mootools then set to "mootools".
If you're using jQuery then set to "jquery".
If you're using Scriptaculous/Prototype then set to
If do NOT wish to use any javascript libraries then set to "none".
$webyep_sModalWindowType = "jquery";
Choose which modal scripts library you wish to use with the WebYep
If you wish to use Mootools Modal window then set to
If you wish to use jQuery Modal window then set to
If you wish to use Scriptaculous/Prototype Modal window then set to
If do NOT wish to use any modal scripts libraries then set to
"none" and a standard popup will be used.
$webyep_sModalWindowType = "jquery";
Choose which lightbox scripts library you wish to use with the WebYep
If you wish to use Mootools lightbox then set to
If you wish to use jQuery lightbox then set to
If you wish to use Scriptaculous/Prototype lightbox then set to
If do NOT wish to use any lightbox scripts then set to
"none" and a standard popup will be used.
Date Format
This setting defines the date format and time format according to your
region. The defined format will be shown on the WebYep Guestbook. PHP
date time reference:
$webyep_CustomDateFromat = "j-n-Y";
$webyep_CustomTimeFromat = "g:m a e";