Making Templates Editable
This is the stage where we slowly work through the HTML of a template, to replace existing content with WebYep elements. Thereby making these different content regions editable using WebYep.
Hopefully you've already downloaded WebYep and taken a look at its excellent documentation. Under the 'elements' section, you will find detailed examples of all the WebYep elements available.
Despite being a flat-file CMS, WebYep does have some powerful elements. Elements like menu, loop and gallery let you create some surprisingly complex page layouts, that clients can safely edit, without code. I've seen people successfully build things like blogs and web stores, using WebYep.
Every page that you want to make WebYep editable requires some special init code at the top. This PHP code establishes a link between the editable areas on the page and the WebYep system folder. Ensure this is placed at the very start of the page code, before the DOCTYPE tag.
Don't forget to include a WebYep logon element (normally within your footer) so there's a method to click and login to the website. Although you can place this discreetly on another page, and the user will remain logged-in on all pages, during that session.