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Cartoon of a man in a red hoodie, sat at a laptop, adapted from an illustration by illustrations.co.

WebYep resources too good not to share!

Welcome to my little corner for all things WebYep. This website hosts a growing collection of useful WebYep resources. They can be freely used with either the opensource or commercial versions of WebYep. Everything documented and listed here is both WebYep 2 and WebYep 3 compatible.

What is WebYep?

Created before big players (like Wordpress) came into the game, WebYep is a simple website CMS (content management system). It allows one or more people to login to a website (using a password) and safely make instant edits to the page content. This content is stored within a 'flat file' database, on your hosting server.

WebYep has a small yet passionate community of friendly users worldwide. Favoured for being easy to use, secure and reliable. Perfect for personal homepages, small business websites, schools, non-profits, clubs, online portfolios, blogs, boutique web stores and much more.

Some useful links, to get you started

  • Download the free (opensource) version of WebYep from Github, using the green code button (click 'code' and then 'download ZIP' from the menu). This package includes the WebYep system files and documentation.
  • If you want the commercial version of WebYep (which includes the snazzy Redactor rich text editor and file manager), then .
  • A spare copy of the official WebYep documentation was published here. It includes just about everything there is to know about WebYep; including its installation, configuration and usage by wesbite authors.
  • My current inventory of WebYep snippets are listed here. Descriptions, working examples and code ready for you to copy and reuse in real websites.
  • Discus all things WebYep, share your knowledge and provide feedback via the Discord chat.
  • The almanac is basically a digital scrapbook. It comprises of extra documentation, links, reviews and other items of interest.
  • Need to hire me to fix or set something up for you in WebYep? I'd love to hear from you! Please get in touch on this page.