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Cartoon of a man sat at a laptop on a desk, adapted from an illustration by illustrations.co.

Contact me

I am a full stack web developer, based in the far south west corner of the UK. Proficient in HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, Python, SQL, Leaflet.js, Bootstrap and Tailwind. I have experience of working with various website builders; including RapidWeaver, Squarespace, Wordpress and Concrete CMS. Not forgetting good knowledge of WebYep CMS too!

It costs nothing to email me for friendly advice or you can reach out to me on Mastodon for a chat:

  • Mastodon

Please get in touch with me if you are interested in hiring me to oversee troubleshooting or updates to an existing website. Or we can discuss the setup of new websites that include WebYep. Send along any project proposals or other details you've got to hand for confidential appraisal.

I consider my fees to be lower; compared with what bigger agencies may charge. I can either work to an hourly rate or a fixed-price for a bigger project. Turnaround times are typically days, rather than months.

Join us on Discord

By request, I have setup a small community on Discord. You can access it here with this invite link. A place to discuss all things WebYep, general web design chat, make suggestions, provide feedback and share useful things. Membership is free.


Some people have asked how they can support this website. The cheapest and easiest way to contribute is simply to share links to this website on your blog, social media etc. Tell your friends and spread the word. It all helps to promote the project more. If you wish to pay a donation, you can use my PayPal account or send a tip via Ko-Fi. Thank you!