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Cartoon of a man sat at a laptop on a desk, adapted from an illustration by illustrations.co.


This page offers a selection of ready-made WebYep plugins, to help extend the capabilities of WebYep into other web publishing platforms.

RapidWeaver Stacks

The WebYep stacks for RapidWeaver work inside the Yourhead Software Stacks plugin. They were originally developed some years ago by Tsooj Media, and then ownership passed over to me (Stacks4Stacks) in 2017. Shortly thereafter, they received major updates and several new stacks were added to the collection. The main benefit of the WebYep stacks is that much of their configuration is 'drag and drop' with very little code required. The alternative way of using WebYep in RapidWeaver is to take WebYep elements code (documented in the user guide) and paste it into any HTML code area or stack. However, most people tend to find the stacks easier to use and they include extra code to help mitigate conflicts with other addons in RapidWeaver. The WebYep stacks are listed on the Stacks4Stacks website and currently cost $30 USD. A free trial version of the stacks is available to download. They work with most themes and frameworks; however it is sometimes necessary to disable the jQuery popups, within the WebYep config-inc.php file.

NB: The future of RapidWeaver and Stacks is uncertain. It's unknown if the WebYep stacks will be supported by the 'breakaway' versions of RapidWeaver and Stacks being proposed. RapidWeaver usage has been in steep decline and there are numerous obstacles impeding the future development of addons. However, the WebYep stacks will continue to receive support and updates for RapidWeaver 8 and Stacks 4, for as long as both versions still work.

VS Code Intellisense
(Coming Soon)

VS Code is my go-to code editor and a pinnacle part of my day job. Who would've thought I'd be saying that about a Microsoft product?! But VS Code has grown to become the most popular and feature-rich code editor out there. A big part of VS Code is its support for intellisense (intelligent code completion). I have a basic intellisense working for WebYep elements. But it's currently quite buggy. Once I have got it working to a more acceptable level, I'll look at releasing it for free, through the VS Code Extension Marketplace. It could be useful if you're coding websites by hand in VS Code.